Thursday, January 20, 2011

Stolen Credit Card......

I whipped out my wallent and sure enough it was gone! I had a low balance on this card, as I'd been paying it off for awhile and had not used it AT all. In fact, I charged NOTHING for Christmas.
I called and reported the charges and cancelled the card.

Later, a friend asked if one of the kids may have taken it, "NO WAY" I said without hesitation...
but then I relooked at the charges and they were all my daughters "fav" stores. I kept positive,
no way would she steal. I looked through her wallet and underneath the $350 worth of Christmas gift cards we'd given was there. She had used it even after Christmas. ;o( My heart sunk.

I called her at her friend's and told her to get home. I confronted her and she admitted it, and then
as punishment I took away her cell, laptop and gave her major chore list to do. I also said she needed
to go stayw ith her dad for a few nights as out trust has been was my heart.

As she prepared to go, she got angry and started getting mean...foul language, disrespectful...etc.

Later she told me on the phone she was going to kill herseld and not wake up in the morning....

I called her dad and we decided she needed with dragging hearts she was admitted
into adolecent mental health facility.........

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Januaury 6, 2011 D- Day

After years of bragging how easy I have had it as a mother, even the mother of 2 teens, my words now haunt me. Even my mother once told me, and I heard from others, your daughter may give you the same grief you gave your own. Yep, it's true.

We had a rough start starting high school after an uneventful grade school experience. WE moved, changed schools, so it was understandable. Going from small private school to the largest in the city
and now it was public system. We worked throughit and over all fall was decent. The holidays, to me
were perfect. Helpful and respectful and Christmas was magical...dinner, games exchanges of gifts
and slumber parties. I was given a gift by my daughter of a mother's bracelet that has a meaning for each letter, I was very touched as she isn't overly sentimental.

Fast forward...Januaury, 5th. I go to pay may credit card bill ( which I had not used in months) to find several hundred dollars worth of purchases.......yep, someone has stolen my card.